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At Fellowship Books we believe spiritual joy should be the foundation of every doctrine. Jesus, the Apostle Paul, and the Apostle John all stated that the purpose for their preaching was to help people be filled with the Joy of the Lord. Of course, the big obstacle to that is the fact most people are already filled with the joy of money and other worldly joys and thus do not care at all to replace some of those joys with the Joy of the Lord.
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We are thrilled to announce the update of our top seller: The Evangelical Bullies: America's Mot Treacherous Evil.
This revised edition offers a deeper Biblical perspective into the controversial topic of Donald Trump and his support from misguided Evangelicals. It also explains why “playing the Biblical God card” is a necessity for preserving our nation.
In today's political climate, the alliance between Trump and Evangelicals is puzzling. Many have questioned how Trump, who has shown hatred for the Biblical concept of mercy, could garner such support from a religious community. The Evangelical Bullies seeks to answer this question by bringing back into America’s conscience the Biblical concepts of mercy, of hypocrisy and of eternal punishment for unrepentant immorality.
The author of the book, Eric Demaree, argues that when Trump speaks, what his devotees hear is: “Vote for me and you can be as immoral as you want to be.” He goes on to say that Trump is the perfect champion for immorality because he has "destroyed his conscience and is proud of it."
For those interested in making a difference in this upcoming election, The Evangelical Bullies is a must-read. The updated version of this perceptive exposé is now available for purchase at all major online bookstores.
We are also thrilled to announce the publication of The Argument from Human Behavior: The New Strongest Argument! This argument has tremendous force. We believe it has much more force than any other argument for God. We hope you will examine this argument and see for yourself how powerful it is. We also have several other books, all available at every major online bookstore.
The Argument from Human Behavior: The New Strongest Argument!
If the Biblical God exists, then an argument of exceptional force for Him MUST also exist! Everyone must be able to achieve certainties about God’s laws in order to be fairly judged on His Judgment Day. Where is this argument?
I believe the "Argument from Human Behavior" is the strongest argument yet. However, I am inviting you to examine this argument and to make your own judgment about how strong it is.
On social media, atheists whine when they read this argument. Some whine about human immorality, some whine about God and evil, while others just whine gibberish. They make no attempt to answer this question: Why do YOU take at least part of your hard-to-live-by sense of “wrong” seriously, as if it were authored by God and enforced by God?! This is the most important question that atheists need to be asked. Can you answer it?
As Dostoevsky, Sartre, Wittgenstein, and Locke all suggested, "If God does not exist, there is nothing "wrong" with lying, cheating or breaking promises." These thinkers all realized that God is essential for the existence of human morality!
Anyone who examines this argument and thinks it through will not be disappointed. -Tom K Lee, Adjunct Professor of Philosophy (retired)
The moral law in our minds against breaking promises would be an absurdity if God did not exist to enforce it!
If God did not exist, there would be no moral lawgiver, no author of the moral laws in our minds and no enforcer of our moral laws. Consequently, we could only consider the directives of our sense of “wrong” (our sense of everyone’s moral obligations) unenforced absurdities if we did not have some sort of perception of God’s existence in our minds. Do you really think there is any possibility at all, that your sense of “wrong” is an absurdity? It would be exactly that, if God does not exist to enforce it. Think it over. Keep on thinking!
The Argument from Human Behavior is the new strongest argument for God because its in depth analysis of human behavior and its understanding that God’s existence can never be an objective fact. It establishes that we (including martyrs) are able to achieve the “certainty unto death” that God exists through faith in our sense of “wrong!”
Without God, our sense of “wrong” would be constantly evolving and unenforced. Consequently, without God, our hard-to-live-by sense of “wrong” would be an absurdity, never qualified to be taken seriously!
This argument does not contend that morality comes from God. It does not even contend that God objectively exists! This argument does insist that we all have perceptions of God’s existence in our minds just as the Biblical God promises in Hebrews 10:16—This is the covenant I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts and in their minds will I write them.
Further, Hebrews 8:11 seems to prophecy that an argument of exceptional force will be discovered: "And they shall not teach every man his neighbor saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest." How else could everyone on earth come to know God, unless the certainty of knowing God had been verbalized in an argument?
The template for the Argument from Human Behavior:
Premise 1: If we take any part of our sense of “wrong” seriously, we have perceptions of God’s existence in our minds.
Premise 2: We all take at least part of our sense of “wrong” seriously.
Conclusion: Therefore, we all have perceptions of God’s existence in our minds.
Corollary: Either an outlandish quirk of evolution put God’s existence into everyone’s mind or God Himself did it.
Premise 2: Everyone behaves as if some type of lying or some type of cheating is seriously “wrong.”
Premise 1: No one, besides God, has the authority to decree anything “wrong.” And no one besides God has the power to enforce every “wrong” action. We would consider the rightness and wrongness everyone attaches to human actions nonsense if we did not assume, at least subconsciously, that God authored and enforced these normative valuations. Thus, in order not to esteem our sense of “wrong” an absurdity fabricated by evolution, we would need to have perceptions of God’s existence in our minds!
Nonetheless, we are free to deny that God actually exists because of the possibility that evolution (or something else) put God’s existence into everyone’s mind. Even so, everyone who takes any part of his or her sense of “wrong” seriously behaves as if God exists.
Socrates is credited with saying, “I know that I know nothing.” In spite of that, we can “know” things by achieving certainties from our experiences. Everything we “know” comes from achieving certainties through faith—faith in our eyes and our other senses: naïve realism. Although we automatically believe our eyes and other senses, we still need faith in them because it is not a logical necessity that our senses are telling us the truth.
We also need to take a step of faith when we discover scientific facts! We need to take this step of faith because of the problem of induction, which is: No matter how many times a scientific experiment gives the same result, it is not a logical necessity that the next result will be the same. How do we “know,” for example, the next slice of bread will nourish us, when it is not a logical necessity for it to do so? We just have faith that the next result will be the same. Therefore, every scientific fact we have obtained through previous experiences depends on at least one step of faith!
We all take hundreds of steps of faith every day when we trust our eyes, other senses and inductive reasoning to accurately reveal reality. Accordingly, it would be highly unreasonable not to take a step of faith and trust that our sense of “wrong” accurately reveals what actually exists—a God who demands morality.
The Rational Certainty God Exists
Millions of people “know” God exists because they have achieved that certainty by adding these facts, usually subconsciously, to their mind’s picture of reality: First, they have added the fact that they have taken a step of faith to believe in naïve realism. That is, they trust that the perceptions in their mind taken from their senses accurately reveal what actually exists. Second, they have added the fact that they have taken a step of faith to believe in inductive reasoning. That is, they have faith that a certain collection of previous experiences will predict future experiences. Third, they have added the fact that these steps of faith produce what is universally accepted as “true knowledge.” Fourth, they have added the fact that their seriously taken perceptions of “wrong” give them perceptions of God’s existence. And fifth, they have taken the step of faith to accept that their perceptions of God’s existence are “true knowledge” also!
In other words, these believers know God exists because their perceptions of God’s existence give them the same degree of certainty as they have when they “know” they see a tree. Second, they know God exists because their perceptions of God’s existence give them the same degree of certainty as they have when they “know” eating a slice of bread will nourish them.
Because of these facts, the step from having perceptions of God’s existence in our minds to discovering that God exists is not a big step at all. We would be completely inconsistent with every aspect of our existence if we did not take this reasonable step of faith and accept that the God who has been written into our minds does indeed exist.
Moreover, you and I, and even little children have always known God exists; and now reason supports that certainty. Of course, the God who directs us into morality, the God who wrote the Law of Love in our minds and hearts does indeed exist. And now He unmistakably declares He exists! Praise Him for that!
This essay is taken from the book, The Argument from Human Behavior: The New Strongest Argument! by Eric Demaree. (It is available at all major online bookstores.)
A Brief History of the Argument from Human Behavior
by the author, Eric Demaree
When I was born again in 1971, I was overjoyed that I finally understood how much God loved me. I had not only achieved the certainty that God existed, but also that He cared about everything I did. At that time I tried to communicate how I knew that, however, I was completely unable to verbalize my revelation.
I worked a bit more at verbalizing the knowledge of God’s existence while I was in college, earning my degree in Philosophy and attending various Christian college groups.
In these last 10 years while ministering as a missionary to the Philippines, I started working harder at verbalizing God’s existence.
The obvious place to start was: how do we know anything exists? We do not really “know” that anything exists! (global skepticism). However, Ayn Rand wrote that we could achieve certainties through our experiences and through reason. She defined reason as: the adding of facts to our mind’s picture of what exists. A fact being a certainty achieved through our experiences. And our experiences also determine whether a certainty is a false “hasty generalization” or a true certainty.
My foundation in reason was a huge advantage over academic philosophers who loathe Rand and despise her contributions in philosophy, even her discovery of the working definition of reason.
After gaining a foundation of reason, I was then able to apply it to our normative values of “right and wrong.” Why do we have a sense of "wrong" (our sense of everyone's moral obligations)? Where did our sense of "wrong" come from? And, most importantly, why do we all take at least part of it seriously as if it were authored by God and enforced by God?
Rand wrote many scathing articles about academic philosophers. She called their writings irrelevant and inaccessible gibberish. She also said that academic philosophers very cleverly disguised their hatred for reason. I am starting to agree with her because they despise everything I write merely because it does not fit into their present inaccessible conversation!
I have had my writings described as: thought-provoking, a quality work, impressive and well-written by individual professors, but my writings have never been accepted at any philosophical journal.
Academic philosophers never debate each other; they do not even criticize each other. It seems they can pass off any inaccessible gibberish as philosophy. My guess is that academic philosophers are much more concerned with their salary, career and grandstanding for the general pubic than they are with discovering anything.
Investigative journalists have always been the backbone of every democracy. This Argument only needs one journalist to investigate it and help it to start to turn the entire earth right-side up!
Eric Demaree's Bio
I was born into a Methodist family. I joined them every Sunday in going to a small country church in Illinois until I left for college at age 18, in 1968. In college I enjoyed studying the Bible with other college-age Christians. Studying the Bible changed my understanding of Christianity. Unlike everyone I knew in my church, I became a seeker. I wanted to find God and more of His joy.
When I did find God and His joy in 1971, no one in my "dead church" wanted me to be different. There was no love there, so I left. Nonetheless, I was so excited about my independent life in Christ, I traveled regularly to meet other Christians. I fellowshipped with every Christian group that I came across, especially in Illinois, Florida, Texas and Arizona. The early 70's was a blessed time in America.
Since that time, I graduated (1973) from Western Illinois University with a degree in Philosophy and an "A" in Philosophy of Logic. Since Philosophy is a non-cumulative science, my training allowed me to stand on the shoulders of previous philosophers and theologians. My degree also helped me critically examine many religious rationalizations.
I have been overjoyed to make over twenty-five missionary trips to the Philippines. Because I refused all donations, I was completely free of to follow the voice of Jesus (John 10:27) while ministering there. It was a great blessing to teach and study the Bible more deeply as I prepared sermons. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ for that!
At this time, I am just waiting to see what God will do with this work. This is not my ministry; it is God's ministry. I am not the man with the plan, however, I am the man in the plan. I am content to remain in the Joy of the Lord, while waiting for Him to do His work. Praise God for His Plan!
While I am waiting for God to do His Work, He has given me the ability to play Senior Softball throughout Arizona, Nevada and California, which has been tremendous fun. God is the One who has put me together and I thank Him constantly for that!
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Kingman, Arizona, United States
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